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Do You Need a Will or Trust?

Do You Need a Will or Trust?

A surprising number of Americans don’t have an estate plan at all.  They don’t have a will, a trust, or any other estate planning documents in place.  This is by itself a tragedy for the survivors who are left behind.  It is hard enough to lose a loved one, but to be...
Is Diversification Really Important?

Is Diversification Really Important?

When it comes to investing, you have probably heard the old adage that tells us: “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. This is sound advice indeed. But let’s consider diversification. If you have too large a portion of your total investment assets invested in...
Why You Need a Living Will

Why You Need a Living Will

What would happen if you needed emergency medical care and you could not make decisions about your care or communicate your wishes?  Who would speak for you?  Who would make critical health care decisions that would be in your best interest? Do you have a will? An...
Traditional IRA vs Roth IRA

Traditional IRA vs Roth IRA

The acronym IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account and it represents one of the most flexible retirement options available to most people. When compared to a typical 401(k), 403(b) or other retirement savings plan provided by some employers, the IRA allows a...